8 Health Benefits of Riding an Electric Bike

Michael Johnson
5 min readJul 16, 2021
2 person Riding an Electric Bike

Whether you ride an electric bike for work or pleasure, it can have a significant impact on your health. It can improve cardiovascular condition, brain function, and help you to maintain a healthy weight.

Bike riding is just one type of exercise that gets you outdoors, raises your heart rate and provides many health benefits.

Increase your heart health

Numerous studies have shown a link between bicycling and improved heart health.

For example, 2017 saw a link between bicycling to work, and a lower chance of premature death, according to University of Glasgow after they studied 264,337 individuals for five years. The risk of developing heart disease was significantly reduced by cycling 50 Kilometers per week.

“Cycling all or part of the way to work was associated with a substantially lower risk of adverse health outcomes. Those who cycled the full length of their commute had an over 40 percent lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and overall mortality over the five years of follow-up,” said Dr. Jason Gill of the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, according to a Cycling Weekly article.

It is possible to assume that riding a bike or an electric bike 50 Kilometers per week is comparable to biking to work. This will lead to the conclusion that riding regularly — regardless of whether you are riding to work — can improve your heart health and general health.

UPMC Pinnacle also reported that people who cycle regularly have about 15% fewer heart attacks then non-cyclists. The activity was linked to lower rates for heart disease, even if it was done in a short amount of time.

Stimulate your Cardiovascular System

According to numerous clinical studies, riding an electric bicycle a few times per week can increase an adult’s cardiorespiratory function and general health, similar to taking strenuous walks or riding a conventional bike.

According to Dr. Amar Singal, a cardiologist, “cycling is one of the best cardio exercises for people of all age groups and all body types. It not only helps burn calories and keeps weight under control, but also helps build stamina and increase muscle and bone strength. Being a low impact exercise, it is also soft on the joints and unlike hard gym training sessions, it doesn’t put you at risk of overuse injuries or sprains. This is why it can also be taken up by elderly people who have arthritic joints.”

Increase your Immune System

According to research in The Journal of Applied Physiology, moderate exercise such as riding an electric bicycle regularly may lower an adult’s risk of developing an upper respiratory tract infection. This is compared to those who don’t exercise.

According to a Reader’s Digest Report, researchers from the University of California-San Diego discovered that even 20 minutes of exercise, adjusted to your fitness level, can improve your immune system.

Reduce your risk of developing Type-2 Diabetes

Researchers at the University of Bristol, UK studied the effects of riding an electric bicycle on type-2 diabetics. According to , a previously published EVELO article, the study’s 18 participants rode their electric bikes an average 20 Kilometers per week over 20 weeks.

The study showed that subjects experienced a 10.9 percent increase of their predicted maximum aerobic power during the course. Participants reached 74.7 percent maximum heart rate riding an electric bicycle, compared to 64.3 per cent when they were walking.

Although riding an electric bike isn’t as strenuous as riding a traditional bike, or running long distances, it provides a more intense workout than walking. This study found that riding an electric bicycle may help to reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes. It might even play a role in weight loss remission.

Lose weight

Regularly riding an electric or a traditional bicycle can help you lose weight and improve your overall health.

In fact, “If you do just two to three vigorous bouts of exercise per week for 45 minutes, you could lose a pound of fat every two weeks from the combination of calories expended during exercise plus what you burn afterward,” according to Dr. David Nieman, a professor of exercise science at Appalachian State University who was quoted in PopSugar, an online pop culture magazine.

Keep Your Mind Healthy

According to a report by the U.K.-based cycleBOOM project, “Riding an electric bicycle just a few days a week may improve brain functioning in adults 50 years old and older, potentially decreasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular dementia, or other age-associated neurodegenerative diseases.”

“Released February 2019, the cycleBOOM study, “The Effect of Cycling On Cognitive Function And Well-being In Older Adults”, shows that outdoor exercise does not have to be hard. To improve her brain health, a 60-year old doesn’t need to run high-impact to be successful. Actually, riding an electric bicycle for leisure or transportation can improve brain function.

According to , a published EVELO report, ‘It is really encouraging that this research suggests older adults’ cognitive function (particularly what we call an executive function as well as processing speed) could be improved by cycling in the natural or urban environment, even when that was on an electrically assisted ebike,’ said Dr. Louise-Ann Leyland, one of the study’s authors,”

Get better sleep

Regular exercise can help you sleep better and combat insomnia. A long-term study showed that people who exercise regularly fall asleep faster than those who are sedentary. People who exercised were also less likely to wake up during the night than were people who did not exercise.

Similar results were found in , a University of Georgia study. It was shown that adults who exercise less complained more about their sleep problems.

Reduce stress

People who exercise regularly report feeling better. Many will claim that exercise stimulates neurotransmitters chemicals in the brain. According to , the American Council on Exercise, “neurotransmitters are believed to mediate people’s emotions and moods. They can help you feel happier and less stressed.”


So, You can see the healthy benefits of riding an electric Bikes. So, what are you waiting for? Buy the electric bike right now. Before buying an electric bikes you need to consider some facts here.

