How to Kill Depression Before It Kills You

Michael Johnson
5 min readAug 5, 2021

Depression kills.

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the number could be even higher if more families reported suicide in their families. They were already traumatized by the death of a loved person and didn’t want to be labeled as a bunch of loonies.

Why did they end their lives? Most likely depression.

It is possible to cure depression, which makes it all the sadder. These deaths are tragic and unnecessary because depression often starts with the seemingly harmless “blues” that we all experience every day. A deluge is created when a leak is not fixed.

They were either too unaware of the situation or too indifferent until it got out of control. They believed that sabotaging their heads was the only way to escape their misery.

Use these DIY tools to get rid of depression

It is normal to feel down from time to time. It’s not due to age, but because our lives are so routine and boring that it feels like a hamster spinning on its wheel.

We are too self-centered and forget that there is so much more out there to explore, learn, experience, and conquer.

Your thoughts can cause depression. You see four walls around you each day, until they become a prison.

Some people find it difficult or impossible to get out of this prison.

Those who succeeded did it by discarding self-destructive thoughts. They simply unchained themselves from the chains that were causing them harm.

These simple tools were all I needed to unlock my negative thoughts. These tools can be used by you, too

1. Do a Forrest Gump:

Do you remember the movie “Forrest Gump”. Forrest sat on a bench waiting for the bus and told his story to anyone and everyone who was there.

It’s kind of stupid but it is a cheap and easy way to kill depressing thoughts.

You can’t do it all the time. You may lose your sounding board or they may be away when you are. Depression can spread like a virus.

You will need to use other tools to get rid of it.

2. Call a friend or visit a friend to help you.

Girls are talking

Not just any friend. You need someone who will lift you up and not push you down.

Avoid friends who make your deepest fears and insecurities part of the local news.

3. Enjoy Riding on Hoverboards

Riding on Hoverboards

Hoverboards are a very good thing to keep your mind joyful and happy and it is very important to kill depression. Now, there are various kind of hoverboards available in the market according to your need.

It is very easy to ride a hoverboard and maintain your balance on it. Now, hoverboards are available with Bluetooth speakers and dancing lights. You can enjoy your favourite songs while riding a hoverboard and it keeps your mind active and cheerful. Hoverboards are very useful to divert your mind from depress things to happy things.

4. Enjoy a hike of discovery


Visit the Beach and take a dip or walk along the shore barefoot. Feel the sand on your soles as you feel it. Pick up shells and bits of corals to reflect on the artistry that created them.

Face the horizon, then spread your arms out and inhale slowly through your mouth. It’s so good to be alive.

If you don’t like the idea of the beach, there are other option, try the park.

You can find a bench under a tree in a cool corner of your local park and enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells.

Take a moment to be aware.

You can let go of all things and enjoy the small bits of earth that you are on.

You are the delicate balance between Nature and Life. You can remove one, and the balance will be restored.

Be a champion for a winning combination a Child again.

You can swing or ride the Ferris wheel or the merry-go round, or even throw Frisbees.

These are not for children, so don’t even think about it. No matter our age, there is still a part of us that, even buried beneath tons of adult stuff, remains a child.

Let it out, and you can be a kid again. Have fun and laugh. You may be the one to save your life.

5. Do not be afraid to ask for professional assistance:

If you haven’t tried all of the Paracetamols that you can find, and still have the symptoms, consult a doctor to prevent you from getting pneumonia.

Depression can be either “in the head” or “from the mind”.

These tools are great for “from the brain” types, but they won’t work well if the information is “in the head”.

If you have depression that lasts for a long time, such as months or years, it falls under the worrying category of Mental Illness. This is a close relative to anxiety, bipolar disorder (which drove Robin Williams suicide), schizophrenia, and many other mental illnesses.

It is not “worrisome”, but it is not necessarily fatal. Modern science has the tools and technology to deal with it. If you can stop it in its tracks.

If you’ve been feeling blue for a while, it is time to seek professional help.

